Saturday, 30 May 2015

The Fall: 24. Rewinding


Jayce was amazed by the miraculaous invention he had been given; it had taken quite a lot of time, and because of him working on Ezreal's artifact he had left it aside. If he had only known what this was before starting to work on it...

"Fix it." had said Vi. Jayce didn't know what it was or who owned it, but Vi's orders were clear. She would never get used to him being Piltover's Major, but he never cared about it. But the mystery surrounding the techmaturgical invention that he had been working at for some days still haunted him. Even when sleeping he'd be dreaming about that thing they had rescued from Zaun. And that made him think of Zaun in a different way.

What if they had cooperated? What if Zaun and Piltover had worked together for a better world? What if they had ended, not only with Viktor, Dr. Mundo and similars, but with a lot of other scientists that were hidden geniuses in the sea of crime and lack of ethics Zaun had been?

That's how he got tired of waiting. He needed to know what was the name of the artifact; he needed to meet the genius that had invented it.


-Calm enough to come now kid? -asked Vi.

-Sure. -answered Ekko, spitting on the floor.

Vi opened the cell's door and untied Ekko's hands with a swift move.

-Don't you dare trick me Ekko. -pointed out Vi.- I already know most of your moves.

That sentence hit him deeply in the heart. 'She remembers.' thought Ekko. Vi had not forgotten them. What might she remember? What had she gone through to end up that way? Would she help her get Zaun back to its deserved glory?

-Vi... may I ask you something? -asked Ekko.

-You mean asking me one more thing? -said Vi.

-What happened Vi?

-I can't remember a single detail. -answered Vi.

-Don't you know who I am?

-Of course I do. I remember my past. -said Vi, clearly annoyed.- What I can't remember are the days after the accident.

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