Saturday, 20 June 2015

The Fall: 25. The Conflagration

The Conflagration

LeBlanc's mimicked version was still with the Ionian outcast and Ezreal, but she had separated from them hours ago.

-Why now? -asked the Ziraeth.

-We just follow the call. -answered Hecarim.- When we're given orders we follow them. When there's war, there's death, and with death the Shadow Isles grow.

-What war? -asked LeBlanc, more curious after every word the Shadow of War pronounced.

-That's none of my concern. -pointed out Hecarim while still rampaging through what was left of the poor side of Bilgewater.- If we're called to war, we go. It's our fate, our duty.

Suddenly, a greenish light hit Hecarim, and his eyes glowed familiarly.

-It's all about Thresh, right? -spitted LeBlanc.

-It's something bigger than you, Ziraeth. -answered a voice through the monster's mouth.- Some things are better kept away from those close to us. At least that's what he said.

-Shut up and answer my question! -shouted LeBlanc.

But there was no answer; Rampaging through what was left, Hecarim had abandoned the place, accompanied by an army of undead spirits that would make sure nothing could stop him. She could still hear Thresh's laugh at the cells he had been confined.

Maybe he had had a reason for trying to kill her. Ans maybe he still had it.


Hours had passed since Malcolm had realized that he was alive when he shouldn't and Swain had told him that Aalcox was awaken. It didn't take him long to realize that Aalcox was nervously screaming as he had never heard a Darkin do, and it was taking way longer to shut him up.

-What's wrong with you?! -shouted Malcolm.

-Find the girl and wipe away the risks! -screamed Aalcox in Malcolm's mind.

-Which girl? -whispered Malcolm while struggling to keep his composure.

-KILL THE KING'S SISTER! -screamed Aalcox; now even Swain heard it.

-Which king? -asked Swain with a peremptory voice.

His voice was enough to calm Aalcox down.

-The Demacian king. His sister...

-She died years ago. -pointed out Swain.

-Not really... -said Malcolm with a smile on his face.- She's not dead  at all...


-You don't look like a worthy recipient.

-Who are you?! -shouted Astor. He didn't know where the voice came from; he was lying on the ground, covered by plants. Those yellow little beings were still hanging around him, now moving nervously in circles.

-That's none of your concern now. -answered the voice.- Just do as I tell you and I will give you a less painful death than I want to right now.

It had been long since Astor had left words like those unanswered, but that was the first time that he didn't know who he was talking to. For the Void's sake! He didn't even know WHAT he was talking to.

-Just bring me where I want to go. -said the voice, now calmer.- Then I'll make you free of the agony of living.

And it would still be long before he ever let anyone fool him.

-I think you don't realize who you're talking to. -confidently said Astor, before agonizingly screaming and bending in pain.

He was going through such an agony that he didn't even realize that the little yellow fellows were gone. But they weren't leaving for long...


-They escaped. -answered Garen from the throne that had once been of his old friend and king Jarvan Lightshield the fourth of his name.

-I guess they are being hunted down like the filthy scum they are... -answered Darius.

-They got into the forest. -replied Garen.

-Oh, and I guess that your scouts can't follow a track when it takes a little effort, right?

-You're not understanding a single word of mine. -said Garen while taking a map that was hanging on the wall and throwing it on the floor in front of Darius.- They got into the Forest.-said Garen again.

-I'll bring you enough men to cut that forest down tree by tree. -said the hand of Noxus.- and then we will raze Bandle City to the ashes.


The small yordle-like creature transformed in the blink of an eye; a huge bloodthristy beast was now between them and a voidborn abomination that had suddenly appeared. And some seconds later, another monster was jumping from a bush nearby; the ferocious feline-like beast was on the voidborn beast in a second. Shyvana could see how they fought each other with an innate hate that scared the soul out of her.

-You're leaving. -said Galio, turning towards the 3 huge beasts that were fighting besides them.

-And you're coming with us! -screamed Shyvana.- We won't leave you behind!

-FLY, YOU FOOLS! - roared the white feline beast while holding the Voidborn on the floor.- NOW, OR I SWEAR I'LL CUT YOU DOWN TO PIECES AFTER FINISHING HIM!

-Leave.- said again Galio while walking towards the battle.- I'll catch up to you.


-Do it. -ordered Galio.- Reach Bandle City, tell them what's about to come and live. I'll catch up to you.

Without looking back, Shyvana carried Poppy, Taric and Sona on her back and left the place. A blazing path showed him where they were going, but Gnar, Rengar and Kha'Zix were way more important now than a path to follor.


-Care with Gnar.-shouted Rengar.

It took long for Galio to realize that the beast was talking to him. Shortly after, the so-called Gnar jumped on him.

-Do not hurt him! -roared the white fiery beast.- He'll calm down in a while! Just leave!

-I'll help you.

-YOU WON'T! -said Rengar throwing a bola to Galio's feet.

Only then the hunter realized his mistake. A gust hit both Kha'Zix and him, who ended one on each other's side laying in the floor. Suddenly, Galio shot a blast and both monsters laid on the ground crippled.

-How'd you dare... -angrily whispered Rengar before disappearing.

Without hesitation, Galio started to shine as he had done only in the most dangerous of times. Gnar, now small again, was throwing rocks at him. The voidborn creature woke up and slowly walked towards him, trying to hurt him in a desperate try of getting something out of the fight.

And then he heard his voice.

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