Friday, 29 April 2016

Leo entre goles obvios \ Loans entangle grizzly omens

Así que así era como se sentía uno al ser padre.

El dolor le retorcía el alma. Si hubiera ido con más cuidado, nada de esto hubiese pasado. Si le hubiese enseñado a hacer las cosas como era debido, se habría evitado un momento tan agónico. Pero no lo había hecho.

Percival había fallado como padre y ahora lo pagaba caro. Mañana tras mañana se despertaba y al poco de tomarse el café ¡ZAS! ese agudo dolor le atravesaba el cuerpo, casi tumbándolo. ¿Qué era lo que había hecho mal? ¿Por qué merecía él algo así?

Al final encontró la solución; desde que le escondía los Lego a su hijo Martín ya no se los encontraba esparcidos por el suelo cada mañana que iba a despertarlo, y, al no estar estos por ahí, Percival ya no los pisaba.


So that was how being a father felt like.

The pain was gnawing his soul. If he had been more careful, none of this would have happened. If he had taught him how to correctly do things, he could have avoided such an agonizing experience. But he had not done it that way.

Percival had failed as a father and now he was paying the price. Every single morning of his life started the very same way; he woke up, started drinking coffee and then BANG! that sharp pain went through his whole body, nearly bringing him down. What had he done wrong? Did he really deserve such a pitiful existence?

But one day he casually found the solution; hiding his son's Lego bricks. Now Martin didn't know where they were, and since he couldn't find them he wouldn't play with them before going to bed. That meant that, when Percival went to his room to wake his son up, there were no Lego bricks for him to step upon.

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