Monday, 27 June 2016

Fools, voters, clowns and advocates of the rightful

Go sell yourself, buy a gun and get laid. Let go a cry for freedom loud enough to silence those who try to talk around you. Dream a job worthy of your awesomeness, work tirelessly and get paid. Spit some salty words, criticize and praise, shout out loud how it's not ok to shrink those who fight; tell them that they were wrong all the time, even though you know that your side was never truly right.

There is no point in praising without fighting, on gunning and screaming, imposing your reasoning (or lack of it). There is no thought out idea, there is no reason to think differently; they are all wrong like you never were and always will be. Your words flow effortlessly because of their pure and sheer existence, theirs free fall from their filthy mouths because they never truly thought.

No need to respect those who never dared talk you out of those big ideas of yours; no need to accept that you may be wrong, or that simply both of you are right. Leave the complaisance for those who think not, fight for nothing and the sake of fighting for; that'll sure do good and fine, no point on thinking who's hurt and who'll miss the peace tonight.

Burn their headquarters, sink their flagships and blow up their foundations; say that they are messy, fucked up and twisted, like the lies you tell and were told when hurtful was the truth you faced. Is this really what you want? Is this really what you need?

For you sick bastards out there, there is a difference between being passionately vocal and being a hateful shit-spitting fool. Sometimes you are wrong, sometimes you are right; that sums up all of us. There are always good things and bad things, especially when talking about bullshit like politics; everyone closes their eyes, points out others' shit and claims some undeniably good qualities as their own. Why the fuck do you need to do it? Are your ideas so weak and fragile that they need to attack the rest of options laid out in front of you?

When the basis of a society is the one of "look for the guilty" instead of "work out a solution" and no one fucking realizes, something's gone wrong. When a whole year of political campaigns, elections and bullshit is constantly based on "this one did that other piece of shit" and "the man from here said that the one from there cooked a bad broth" and no one realizes and keeps on feeding this loop of political poverty, you should start to worry.

Wake up sheeple; you are all nothing but mere foolish bastards praying for someone to lie to you beautifully enough in order to feel less guilty when you vote for something that might or might not be wrong. Leave your stupid heart out, life gave us a brain to think, try using that instead of your mouth. Stop trying to convince people of your own delusional lies and accept that they'll live by their own, just like you do. When you're slapped back into reality stop trying to point out whose guilt it is and start working, looking forward to something you can be proud of. And when time calls you back to vote like the fool you are, when time calls us all to vote like the fools we all are, only then, you'll earn the small right of being a half-tolerable asshole that spits out shit. But until then, let us all live in peace and understand that if there's enough people looking forward to something is because it might be an obvious choice to quite a lot. Stop talking as if you were the superior peace of shit that know's what the real stink is; we're all wrong and that's what makes us all right.

This might not make sense, but sense also lacks in all your stupid "democratic" bullshit so I don't really see the point of trying to talk sense into you.

Note: This is not aimed to anyone or any idea in particular. If you're feeling insulted by it maybe you've been one of the bastards that has been trying to force your little thingy into someone without their consent. Politics, religion and opinions are like your penis; it's ok to be proud of it even though no one cares about yours, but forcing it into someone else does no good.

Sunday, 26 June 2016

Stepping forward.

One, two, three four...

In the end, it's all about steps. Two forward, one sideways and the last one backwards. I may not know where I'm going, but at least I'll reach somewhere sometime, am I wrong? Keep on walking, go on, just one more time... as if there was the need of a target, of an objective.

Why the hell do we need an objective? Why do we need to write down a set of numbers and look at them as if they were a must? When something is nothing but our own concern, there is no point in setting up a due date for it. There's no need for it to happen today, tomorrow, this weekend or next Wednesday. Sometimes there isn't even the need for it to happen; still, the promise, the holding on to something, is nice. And maybe some day you'll forget about it.

But it is important that, even if there is no due date, even if there is no clear purpose, you try it. There's no point in leaving things undone, untested and unmet when you've had the chance of trying to make them work. Sometimes you'll fail miserably, others you'll just be dealing it at the wrong time, and others you'll suddenly and unexpectedly grow out of it in a good way, be it working out fine or simply disappearing as a need. The only thing that matters is that you know that you've made the effort, that it is not your fault that that something is amiss; why would you want to live with such a burden? do you really want to base your everyday life on regrets?

That is why I call out everyone that might be reading this and invite you to try. I want you to get hurt, to cry and trip up; I want you to smile joyously, to feel fearfully brave and to be proud of what's been done. Why the hell leave things undone? Why should you disappear and let the deep, dark and silent oblivion shrink you into nothingness? Grow some balls and live up to your own expectations; do not hold yourself with a "What if...", but use them as a trigger instead. It's never about "What if I fail?"; you should aways be looking forward at the "What if I succeed?".

There are few times when failure will be the cause of something with no remedy; most times it won't be no more than a lesson. The lack of failure, tied to the lack of actions and consequently linked to the lack of successful outcomes, is a harsher punishment than the failure itself. Failure brings shame, tears, sadness and wrong-being; just like the constant passive observation without action. That means that there is nothing to lose! In the worst case scenario, you'll be just slightly sadder for a while.

On the other hand, when you succeed... It may not be at the first try, may not be on something you expected to turn out good, it might even be a surprise to the world and you... but when you succeed, there is nothing that can stop the joy of having done something right. The pride you feel after giving your best, the sweaty forehead of the one person that has worked tirelessly for something, the joy of finishing a due task... No one will ever be able to take that away from you.

Now shut up, stop writing or reading, and go do something. Step forward.

Monday, 6 June 2016


El pitido que hizo la maquinita esa del bus al rechazar su billete la despertó de su rutina; al parecer la T-jove ya había caducado. Por suerte, a sabiendas de que a la fiel tarjeta de transporte metropolitano ya no le quedaba mucho por vivir, Anaïs había guardado una T-10 virgen e inmaculada tras la funda de su móvil. Solo entonces el pitido fue el esperado, y pudo volver a dejarse llevar por el ininterrumpible ritmo de su día a día. Y cuando decimos ininterrumpible no nos reducimos solo a eso; la inmutabilidad de su cíclico proceso de transporte la llevaba a soportar siempre a los mismos insólitos personajes durante el trayecto a casa. Justo detrás de ella subieron al autobús un grupo de niños uniformados que, utilizando una contemporánea variante de la lengua anglosajona, empezaban ya su típico manifiesto de inconformidad ante los procesos de puntuación de los profesores. Porque claro, eran las 17:12; hasta las 17:19 no hablarían de otra cosa que no fueran las injustas notas que sacaban después de más de diez minutos de estudio. A estas mozalbetas y estos mozalfas los incluiremos en el género Indignatus de la especie Adolescentumalcriadescus. Al cabo de dos paradas subió al autocar la afamada jugadora local de Candy Crush Saga; conocida ya por todos los que frecuentaban la linea BaixBus-8, la dulce y empalagosa anciana ignoraba por completo la existencia de los auriculares, y su sordera (supuestamente parcial) la obligaba a subir el volumen de su teléfono móvil tanto como fuera posible. Su entrada fue ovacionada con un decepcionante "Ooooohhh..." de algunos de los pasajeros algunos de los cuales, en secreto, apostaban si nuestra querida Dulcinea sería capaz de superar el nivel en el que se atascó durante el último trayecto. A trompicones, debido a que en una mano llevaba el teléfono, nuestra aclamada jugadora tomó su lugar en el asiento que había justo detrás de Anaïs; cuando Dulcinea pasó al lado de nuestra estimada protagonista, ésta notó que el teléfono de la anciana mostraba ya la pantalla de carga de aquél dichoso juego. Sonó la melodía inicial y, al cabo de poco, se escuchó un gruñido de inconformismo por debajo del tono del teléfono; alguien había perdido una apuesta. A cualquier viajero no usual le habría parecido demasiado la situación actual del autobús; a las 17:22 Dulcinea ya había hecho que todo pasajero hubiese disfrutado del tono de derrota unas cuatro veces, y los Adolescentumalcriadescus Indignatus habían pasado ya a su segundo gran tema; los culpables de sus malas notas, que obviamente eran aquellos tiránicos profesores forjados en lo más hondo de Isengard junto a los Uruk-Hai del ejército de Saruman el Blanco. Pero aún no se había presentado el mítico Bailarín Sentado. La leyenda del Bailarín Sentado siempre ha inundado las mentes de aquellos que viven usando el transporte público entre travesía y travesía, pero solo los afortunados (o desdichados) usuarios de la linea BaixBus-8 han podido presenciarla en persona. Solo hizo falta una parada más para que tan endémico personaje tomase el único asiento que quedaba libre en ese autobús; el que se encontraba al lado de nuestra preciada Anaïs. El calentamiento duró un minuto entero, tiempo durante el cual nuestro Bailarín Sentado se limitó a tararear para sí mismo y hacer alguna mueca como si ante sí tuviese un micrófono de los caros y un público milenario. Después de esto empezó su baile que por momentos podía confundirse con una seria de extraños espasmos; la pobre Anaïs tuvo que desviar la atención de su ebook para centrarse en esquivar los golpes involuntarios que empezaron a amenazar su integridad una vez que el Bailarín Sentado se sintió con plena confianza. Por suerte para Anaïs, eso solo le duró dos paradas más; aunque lloviese y ella fuese sin paraguas agradeció poder bajarse del autobús, y caminó hacia casa pensando en la de brownies que le debía al ladrón de formularios.

Sunday, 5 June 2016


Al abrirse las puertas, Sigfrido se metió en el vagón y sin pensárselo dos veces tomó el asiento libre más cercano; estaba agotado, y le quedaba un largo trayecto por delante así que no podía permitirse el lujo de perder el tiempo vagando por el metro buscando un buen lugar dónde sentarse.

En cuanto lo hizo apagó los auriculares, pues no tenía sentido intentar escuchar música en el metro; el ensordecedor estruendo de la máquina al ponerse ésta en acción ahogaba toda melodía, sofocándola con una metálica cacofonía que no dejaba indiferente ni al más pintado.

En las primeras paradas no hubo mucho movimiento; pitidos, puertas que se abrían y cerraban, saludos y despedidas, algún grito en la lejanía... Nada que se escapase de lo normal. Pero fue en la cuarta parada cuando la paz a la que se había acostumbrado se fue al garete.

El primer factor que se encargó de quebrar tan frágil calma fue un grupo de unos siete jóvenes, de entre 14 y 17 años que, con el tronar de sus voces (y algún que otro agudo gallo que se les escapaba) se encargó de hacerse oír a lo largo y ancho de la estación. Hablaban de cualquier cosa; banalidades que no pasan a serlo hasta que se tiene la perspectiva, imposibles que simplemente no han sido tenidos en cuenta desde el punto de vista adecuado o de la borrachera del sábado pasado. Pero éstos (a quienes a partir de ahora nos referiremos como la "Tempestad") no estaban solos en su misión.

Al poco de notar la entrada en escena de la susodicha Tempestad, el efecto de su sonora presencia se vió mitigado por la toma de plaza de una cariñosa pareja a la que le gustaba ocupar las dos plazas correspondientes como una y dos medias. La mano que le pasó sobre la espalda el caballero a la dama se sobreextendió hasta el punto de invadir lo que era la existencia de Sigfrido; además, los nerviosos e impredecibles giros de cabeza de la señora (a quien bautizamos como Lady EsSoloUnaParada) le ponían de los nervios, ya que su cabello le azotaba de tanto en tanto. "Es solo una parada" le decía Lady EsSoloUnaParada a su compañero (al que llamaremos Lord YaYaLoSé de ahora en adelante) una y otra vez. Sigfrido estaba bastante seguro de que en el transcurso de los primeros treinta y siete segundos de estadía la mujer había hecho el comentario unas siete veces, y a todas Lord YaYaLoSe respondió con un altivo "Ya, ya lo sé" que acababa con una coqueta sonrisa dirigida a Lady EsSoloUnaParada. 

Después de esos treinta y siete segundos se cerraron las puertas, y con mucho esfuerzo Sigfrido consiguió aislarse del estruendo de la Tempestad y, con mucha fuerza de voluntad, logró no reaccionar ante el irritante, peludo y constante (aunque involuntario, a su parecer) ataque de Lady EsSoloUnaParada. Pero eso no era más que el principio.

La siguiente parada transcurrió bajo la normalidad adoptada en la parada anterior, si dejamos de lado el efusivo besuqueo de Lady EsSoloUnaParada y Lord YaYaloSé. Se cerraron las puertas después de pitidos, saludos y despedidas y con la parsimonia típica del transporte público el metro emprendió de nuevo su marcha.

No se sorprendió nuestro desafortunado Sigfrido al ser golpeado por el bolso de Lady EraSoloUnaParada (ya pueden suponer cuál era la frase que le gritaba repetidamente a su compañero ahora). El salto que ésta dio del asiento al notar que tanto ella como Lord YaYaCreíaQueMeDaríaCuenta habían fallado en su cometido era solo comparable a el sky diving más temerario. La discusión se alargó hasta el punto en que la temperatura del vagón parecía haber alcanzado la de austenización, y solo al cabo de otras tres paradas se dieron cuenta los personajes de que les convenía dejar de lado el circo que estaban montando y bajar del metro.

Por suerte para Sigfrido, el resto del trayecto transcurrió con relativa normalidad. Bueno, si dejamos de lado el concierto de DJ KalienteMami, el llanto de un pobre bebé que durante la friolera de diecisiete paradas parecía estar descendiendo a los infiernos de Dante y el parón de ocho minutos y veintitrés segundos dos paradas antes de que nuestro desdichado amigo tuviese que bajar.

Friday, 3 June 2016

Waging war

What if the most beautiful stories I had imagined were because of you? What if I had read them out silently while looking into you, the truest of graces being hidden in each hair of yours, the most unique allure blooming into every pore of yours?

There's so much to be said, yet there will never be enough words to do so. The ecstasic feeling that your charm spreads through the heart of each being that is lucky enough to witness your perfection, the never-fading joy of having shared a smile with you, of having been an accomplice of your rejoicing, is and will always be more than enough to make a one off experience out of a lifetime of dull routine.

The idea of having breathed the same air than you is enough to turn a bad day into a joyful one; the mere thought of knowing that you're somewhere out there, the pure and simple idea of you existing, is the reason behind the whole lot of hope that's rolling around this world.

The funny thing is that you don't realize it. How come you don't notice me falling apart everytime you laugh? How can you jump, smile and talk without noticing my heart obediently following the beat of your words? How do your lips dare draw such beautiful curves in the air, making the allmighty wind envious of their sheer perfection?

Your blindness kills me, drowning me in the thickest of darks. Your deafness chokes every single word of mine that tries to tell you what is really going on, leading them into a bottomless pit that they will never escape from. Your lack of tact is making me miss every caress I've ever longed for, forcing me into a waiting which I don't think I will ever be able to endure.

You look like the opposing pole I have always been looking for, a chronic battle for the throne of my heart, which I try to claim as mine as your words stomp through the gates of the fortress that used to be my chest. You are the reoccuring dream that somehow manages to come back when I think I'm done with it. I've been waging war for too long, and I've known it's lost since even longer; just as if I were magnetised to somebody that don't feel it.

Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Grand finale

Heartbroken, vanquished,
Torn to pieces, unmet,
Thrashed, severely scattered,
Mentally broken, cold sweat

What's the point of such a race,
when we can't keep up with the pace?
Where's the glory that was promised,
for the brave, just, bold and missed?

Unanswered inquiries,
Born doubtful, but feign
Hunting answers in our diaries,
Failing always, no gain

Stop messing with my dealings,
you feel close yet out of reach.
Please, come, tell me what you're thinkin',
Mend me and help me close this breach.

I am pursuing two words
I'd really like to hear you say.
To me in a corner, in an alley,
And then share the grand finale.